föstudagur, júlí 25, 2003

Fékk þetta í hotmailið mitt. Áður hefur mér borist mikið magn af klámi, auglýsingar um tippastækkanir og ódýr og góð doktorspróf. Nú er semsagt verið að reyna að vekja áhuga minn á því að fá mér rússneska konu.

American women can have attitudes that are difficult to deal with. They are often demanding and hard to please. Russian women on the other hand are so unspoiled. In many less-developed countries, like countries of the former Soviet Union, women have a much lower social status than men. Russian men are often abusive and disrespectful toward women. This is what Russian women are used to. Compared to that, the life you can give her will make her so happy and grateful. Russian women tend to be devoted adoring wives.

Ekki spurning, þær eru ómögulegar þessar könsku konur.

Svo ekki sé minnst á þetta:
According to the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) , just over half of American women are overweight or obese. The findings of a 1998 study are that 25.7% of American women over 20 years of age are overweight and an additional 25% are obese.

Russian women in contrast are rarely overweight. They seem more concerned with their appearance. Russians do not have a lot of the high-fat convenience foods we have. They tend to eat more whole foods, whole grain breads and in general lower-fat diets. Most Russians cannot afford cars and must walk most places they go. Very attractive women are common in countries of the Former Soviet Union.

Ef ég væri feitur kani þá myndi ég svo sannarlega ekki giftast öðrum feitum kana heldur fá mér rússneska mjónu. Verst að ég er ekki kani.


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